Holistic nutritionist and wellness practitioner, working with you to improve digestion and your overall quality of life.



1:1 Nutritional Consulting

If you’re struggling with digestion, fatigue, SIBO, dysbiosis, an autoimmune condition, stubborn weight loss, candida, parasites, inflammation or any other condition, this is for you. These sessions are customized to you and your needs.


Corporate Wellness

More than ever we need to ensure that we are increasing our resilience to stress and taking care of our assets. For employers, the strongest asset you can have is a thriving team of employees! Specializing in educational wellness sessions around stress management, immunity and avoiding burnout. Interested in hosting a lunch and learn or special event for your team? Be in touch and we can create one specific to you and your team’s needs.

Want to get started but don’t know where to begin? Schedule a complimentary call to discuss what working together can look like.